Saturday 25 May 2013


I haven’t written in a while, this would probably be because I had been going through a process of sharpening or probably because I have been learning but I wanted to share something.
I couldn’t get much sleep last night mainly because I had so much on my mind.
Remebering when I decided to go back to church beginning this year I was a mess and was not willing to go through the pain, the heartache and neglect again. I needed love; a love like no other the Agape love I talked about before and I chased after it with all I had and I got that love.
What I probably never mentioned before is how torn and empty my previous relationship left me. Yep very torn and wrecked in desperate need of some divine healing and joy; to see beauty in everything again in which I slowly started seeing.

No I’m not writing about a heartbreak patience I’m getting to the point soon…
A man was nowhere near my mind no where

Feb 8th I had a diverse dream where I was married and we were going to a place to get back something that was stolen from us and I remember telling my husband I was scared and he told me it’s okay, he held my hand and we went in together that security and love is nothing like I ever witnessed before even though it was just a dream it felt so real.
I woke up happy. I remember  praying to God asking him to bless me with a man who would love God so much because I knew if he loved God with all his heart his love for me would never end and so wouldn’t mine for him, that was the standard set.

Quite some time ago a bunch of ladies were at my house and we were talking about the male characters in our lives (be it boyfriends, friends, brothers etc) and what we see in them that resembles Christ. Others said love others patience others kindness and others simply had this blank faces (-_-)
As time went by and got really close to someone who’s now my best friend (Carmy) God has loved on me using him. It wasn’t easy letting someone break through the walls I had worked so hard to build, it wasn’t easy to tell him “I’m not okay,” or “I’m hurting” or even breaking down into tears before him. It tore me to shreds and every bit of pride I had left was done with. Accepting rebukes wasn’t easy for me and watching God expose something’s in me that I didn’t want anyone to see, broke me  to pieces but he still walked right by my side.
All this reminded me of Christ and the love he has for me and how he never leaves my side especially when I am scared. [Deu 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.] That’s one of the attributes of Christ that he has, love that’s pure and security.

What I’m coming to learn is sometimes God brings people in our lives to love on us, whether for a season or for life. He bring people into our lives so that all the glory goes back to him, his love for us is expressed through his vessels, healing comes in many ways; for me it was through my best friend Carmy. God used him to show me that love is pure and that I can let someone buy me a gift out of a pure heart and I won’t have to pay back in one way or another, that it’s okay not to have everything in control that it’s okay to be comforted and built and taught and ask for help, that I’m precious in Gods eyes and are worth more than Gold and rubies compared.
Maybe today God wants to use you to help someone for his Glory, are you willing?
Luk 10:2  Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

Maybe God’s brought someone in your life that you need, will you accept them?
Don’t forget that not everyone sees the beauty in which you carry but there are those specific people Gods picked out for you that actually do. Where you are blind to the truth about who you really are let God use them to show you, where you are hurting let God use them to heal you, where sad let God use them to make you jolly now and then.
Let God use you to make someone smile, let God use you to make someone’s day, let him use you to do something in people’s lives.